help if you're being bullied is often a very hard thing to do - just admitting it to someone can be very tough. A lot of people
think the person will tell will think they're weak, or deserve it. This section of the site contains a few tips on what to
do if you're being bullied.
- Tell
someone - a friend, a family member, a teacher, your tutor. Practically
anyone you tell can help you. They can help you develop a plan to combat the bullying and give you different way to help you
cope, as well as talking to someone to stop the bullying, and put an end to your misery.
- Confidence
is the key to success! Act confident - your head help high,
shoulders back and walking straight, don’t forget eye contact too! Tell yourself they're not bothering you, then walk
away and go somewhere where you feel safe.
- Travel
around in groups. Bullies are less likely to choose people
as victims who have a lot of friends. If there are more of you than them, they are the ones who are more likely
to feel victimised.
- Laugh
at yourself! I know it sounds ridiculous, but if you laugh
along with the bullies and make a comment about what they're laughing at, they're likely to get sick of it as they think
they're not hurting you. For example, is someone calls you short, you can laugh and say "Yeah my dad was short at
my age too! But he's not anymore" then walk away. You will be shocked at yourself ;)
- Stay
in safe areas. Stay in areas where there's lots of people, or teachers. Bullies are less likely to strike in these
areas because of all the other people around.
- Keep
a "bullying diary". Write down anything that happens involving
the bullies. Save any threatening texts, voicemails or notes and use them as proof. When you feel strong enough to tell someone,
take them with you and show them. By clicking here you can download the ChildLine bullying diary (its pdf format so you may need to download Adobe before you can open it).
- Don't
fight back if you can help it. If they hit you, try your
hardest not to strike back, I’ll only worsen the situation. Bullies often do choose people who are weaker than them.
- Ask
the bully to repeat what they said. Using this tactic can
sometimes put them off. They are often not brave enough to repeat the remark, so will back off. If you do something they haven't
planned to deal with, it gives you some control.
It takes along time to build
a person as they are, then one unintentional but hurtful comment can destroy it all. After bullying, people can suffer from
a lack of confidence and have low self-esteem. You need to start rebuilding your confidence and put your past behind you.
After all, you're the one who can get off the train and stick your fingers up at the bullies who are on the road
to nowhere.
Good luck!